Whilst reflecting on student life so far, I'm thinking more about the social aspects of it all. It hasn't been the greatest experience if I'm honest. Most of the people I have met are so lovely! But I hate to say, it's not as I imagined it.
I usually have this attitude in my mind: "it's not my problem, it's their problem". But today I know that my hearing is the reason behind people's awkwardness with me (some people). Obviously it's not my fault because as I like to say for a laugh: "I was born this way baby!". But people are so ignorant and narrow minded, I feel sad to say, around 95% of the people I have encounters with are awkward about my deafness.
I make that mental comparison between how my close friends and family act around me (totally chilled!) and then I think about some of the people whom I am referring to behave... And you can really tell the difference! I would put it down to lack of awareness and understanding.
I strongly feel that people need to be educated about hearing loss. This is why I am raising awareness. I shouldn't be made to feel different! I'm totally normal! If you were to give me a chance, you could see how I am your average 20 year old female. I'm always up for a good old natter and a giggle and I have been told that I have a great sense of humour! (Just me being me!).
The title of this post reflects on my feelings around those people who are 'awkward' around me. If I don't hear the first time, no worries! Just repeat what you said again! It doesn't bother me... ONLY if you are going to act awkward about it! It's totally unnecessary! I just laugh it off and say to the person what I thought they said (which is wrong almost every time!). Instead, around 95% of the time I get someone looking back at me as if I have 2 heads or 4 eyes (my title).
My advice for those who are communicating with people like myself: CHILL OUT guys! Give us a chance! I'm not a scary dinosaur! ... I may not have the best hearing in the world, but HEY! I have so much more to offer! I'm down to earth, I love a laugh etc.
Bear this in mind.
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