Tuesday, 2 June 2015

My day trip to the zoo!

I thought it would be nice to write about one of my days out with my boyfriend last week.

I have not been to the zoo for years, so as you can imagine, I was quite excited myself! I love the zoo. It is a shame that I do not go as often as I would like. So here we are...

As it happens, at the moment I am writing an essay at University about "accessibility to zoos for pupils in education with a hearing impairment" (my chosen topic). Basically, I am writing a research proposal (I do not actually carry it out though!). So this visit came in good time! Anyway... you won't want me babbling on about my BORING University work. So ignore that!

I thought it would be nice to write about how my experience as a severely deaf individual was...
I was actually very impressed!
I'm not 100% sure if there was vocal announcements, I don't think so!
I was very impressed particularly because pretty much everything was visual. There was a lot of signage which was great!
My boyfriend has been to the zoo a few times this year, so I'm sure he was familiar with his surroundings and knew where most things were... we still relied on the map though!

As a severely deaf individual I am very reliant on my eyes, I can easily get distracted visually by different things around me! I found myself reading a lot of the signage on the walls and around the zoo! It was so interesting!

I loved each area of the zoo and how in most areas, facts about each animal was written on the wall for visitors to read. I wonder if my boyfriend got frustrated at me for stopping all the time to read things! Haha! He was excited himself, bless him!

I must admit, due to it being half term, the zoo was PACKED! It was a shame because there were so many people about! But it was still a lovely day! We fed a giraffe, goats and an elephant too, so I was happy! Haha!

I don't think I could fault the day in terms of accessibility for one like myself. I was generally pleased.

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