I feel like I need to get this down on paper as I just don't have the energy for anymore tears this week.
Lately I've been suffering with a cold which has had a big impact on my hearing, so it doesn't exactly help matters! As you would guess, my hearing hasn't been great lately. Car journeys are harder, life in general if harder all because of this damn cold! I know it will clear up soon, but it's absolute hell for me as it makes things harder for me.
I've noticed lately how some people have got angry and frustrated with me when I haven't heard what they said. As a result I feel even worse about myself, particularly when they say "you're not listening!". Lately I've been particularly miserable because of situations like this. The worst part about it is that it involves a loved one. I know this person probably didn't mean it. But i take it to heart. I feel hopeless and worst thing of all?
I blame myself.
I feel so angry with myself for making these relationships frustrating and making people angry and I just want to blame someone. Right now I just blame myself. Today I had plans, but I'm thinking about cancelling them because I just feel so upset and miserable that I want to stay at home, rather than be a burden to others. I know some people may think I'm being "pathetic". But I don't usually think or behave like this, I just feel let down.
I'm just putting it down as a 'bad day'.
I'll be back to my old self soon enough. I just feel so vulnerable and anxious all the time because of my cold. It makes me feel so tired :-(