Thursday, 28 May 2015

My 2nd rotary speech

Just a brief update! 

I delivered my second deaf awareness public speech with a lovely lady from Action on Hearing Loss. We pretty much spoke about the charity's amazing work and then I added my own personal touch and spoke about my personal experiences! I was so overwhelmed afterwards by the positive feedback! 
So many people approached me just to tell me how "fantastic" and "inspirational" I am. I'm beaming right now! 

There was an opportunity to ask questions afterwards which was great, this soon turned into a discussion about hearing loss. It was brilliant! The audience were so interested and asking plenty of questions. We also received a cheque donation and also some cash donations... RESULT! 

On another note, next week I will be heading to London to collect an award for my passion and dedication for raising awareness. Even better eh?! 
I'm determined to keep going and continue to raise awareness, perhaps in schools next time? We will see what the future brings.... 

Top of the world right now!

Monday, 4 May 2015

The lifeguard.

 It's easy to feel depressed when I think about how deaf I am. My thoughts and anxieties take over and drown me each time. I feel worthless and stuck. 
It's important that I do something about it to stop myself from drowning. I can't do anything about my thoughts. The more I  try not to think about something, the more I think about it. 

Meeting my boyfriend 'S' (who happens to be a lifeguard!) has helped me and stopped them drowning thoughts. Every time I see him, the drowning thoughts stop, my anxieties fade. I have everything I need in front of me. He makes me smile, he makes me laugh and even makes my tinnitus stop (or at least, less noticeable). 'S' is my 'tinnitus eraser'. I honestly don't know what I would do without his support these past couple of weeks. He's truly amazing. Unique. Nothing could compare to him. 

So as it happens, a lifeguard saved me from drowning. 

It doesn't mean my negative thoughts have magically gone away, but he has still saved me. Knowing I have his support has made me feel better about myself. 

It's amazing how someone can mean so much to you in such a short period of time. I truly feel like the luckiest/proudest  girl in the world.